Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to work...

So this week I went back to work. Monday was the scariest day of my life. I couldn't believe that I was going to be handing you over, at just 8 weeks old to someone to take care of you all day while I worked. How on earth would they know how to take care of you? How will they know what your cries mean? There were a million questions that went through my head, but in the end, I'm not the first mom to send their child to daycare - even though that's exactly what it feels like.

It was a tough first week, and there were a few hiccups with daycare, but overall I think everything is going to work out fine. I think about you all day at work, and spend most of my time looking at pictures of you - which are ALL OVER my desk :) I hope that daycare is fun for you - and that you don't hate me for sending you there because that is really something I think about every single day.

A few other eventful things that have happened since Daddy wrote last, Mommy and Daddy went to the State Fair, and your Great-Grandma Linda came to baby sit for you. You were such a good girl for her - which is great, hopefully she'll watch you again! You also did some sightseeing around MN like going to the Sculpture Garden, and Minnehaha Falls. I love taking you to these places, and I hope to continue to show you these things as you get older. Tomorrow we are going to an apple orchard - sort of a kick off for fall - it should be lots of fun, and if anything I know we'll take A LOT of pictures of you :)

You'll be nine weeks old on Monday and I seriously cannot believe how fast you have grown up. You are such a wonderful little girl, and I couldn't imagine my life without you. You've started to really smile at Daddy and I quite a bit, and I'm pretty sure you're just about ready to figure out how to laugh, and I can't wait to hear that!

You were a pretty fussy tonight when I tried to put you to bed, so I hope you sleep great little Peach, and I can't wait to spend the day with you and Daddy tomorrow.

Love, Mom

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